In November of 2017, the artist live work space where my studio is located had an Open Studio. Many many people came through our studios that day. I had made 50 pinhole cameras, thinking that I would have enough to last for a few months Forty-two (yes that is 42) walked out the door and have hopefully been put up and are exposing. I am very excited to get these cameras back. (Note: many have come back!) It seems they were going to many points far and wide: people were getting them for themselves and also as holiday presents for family members and friends across the country. One person said she was sending the camera to New Zealand. Special thanks to all those who got a camera that day. May the pinhole gods look down upon you and may the pinhole bandit never find your camera.
This year (2018) on November 10th, we will have another Open Studio at my building. Again, I have about 50 cameras made and ready to walk out the door. I have rectangular tins as well as many circular ones. I am hoping to get some of the cameras back from last year at this time. I will also have 10 large prints of my pinhole landscapes called Innards. These images are printed just for the Open Studio and will be offered at a special price: one day only sale!
Please drop by and see the great art that is made in this building and see all the Pinhole Images that have been made recently by myself and others here. Pick up a pinhole camera and be a part of the Project. The image below was made on color negative film in a four inch by five inch Leonardo pinhole camera. I have also posted the card for the Open Studios below too. Hope to see you there.
White Water Creek, Oregon